Miramar Ranch Elementary (Data source)

San Diego Unified school district | County of San Diego

THIS chart shows what the school system "wants"

PLUS a "special" or "outside" cause of variation: wealth/poverty.

NOT what teachers want.

NOT what principals want.

NOT what parents want.

More about this chart.

See also: "Good" schools?

Miramar Ranch Elementary math proficiency
Zero+ meets standard.
8% less $meal
12% less $meal
11% less $meal
10% less $meal
11% less $meal

• Any result above zero is proficient; below is not proficient. • There is a 99% chance that results will remain the same in coming years, which is to say, between the Upper and Lower Control Limits (the gray lines). • The houses with the % of students receiving a Free or Reduced Price Meal is a measure of wealth/poverty.

Elementary School (Public) schools in San Diego Unified (118)

Adams Elementary Alcott Elementary Angier Elementary
Audubon K-8 Baker Elementary Balboa Elementary
Barnard Elementary Bay Park Elementary Benchley/Weinberger Elementary
Bethune K-8 Bird Rock Elementary Birney Elementary
Boone Elementary Burbank Elementary Cabrillo Elementary
Cadman Elementary Carson Elementary Carver Elementary
Central Elementary Chavez Elementary Cherokee Point Elementary
Chesterton Elementary Chollas/Mead Elementary Clay Elementary
Crown Point Elementary Cubberley Elementary Curie Elementary
Dailard Elementary Dewey Elementary Dingeman Elementary
Doyle Elementary Edison Elementary Emerson/Bandini Elementary
Encanto Elementary Ericson Elementary Euclid Elementary
Fay Elementary Field Elementary Fletcher Elementary
Florence Elementary Foster Elementary Franklin Elementary
Freese Elementary Fulton K-8 Gage Elementary
Garfield Elementary Golden Hill K-8 Grant K-8
Green Elementary Hage Elementary Hamilton Elementary
Hancock Elementary Hardy Elementary Hawthorne Elementary
Hearst Elementary Hickman Elementary Holmes Elementary
Horton Elementary Ibarra Elementary Jefferson Elementary
Jerabek Elementary John Muir Language Academy Johnson Elementary
Jonas Salk Elementary Jones Elementary Joyner Elementary
Juarez Elementary Kimbrough Elementary Kumeyaay Elementary
La Jolla Elementary Lafayette Elementary Language Academy
Linda Vista Elementary Lindbergh/Schweitzer Elementary Logan K-8
Loma Portal Elementary Longfellow K-8 Marshall Elementary
Marvin Elementary Mason Elementary McKinley Elementary
Miller Elementary Miramar Ranch Elementary Normal Heights Elementary
Nye Elementary Oak Park Elementary Ocean Beach Elementary
Pacific Beach Elementary Pacific View Leadership Elementary Paradise Hills Elementary
Penn Elementary Perkins K-8 Perry Elementary
Porter Elementary Rodriguez Elementary Rolando Park Elementary
Rosa Parks Elementary Ross Elementary Rowan Elementary
Sandburg Elementary Scripps Elementary Sequoia Elementary
Sessions Elementary Sherman Elementary Silver Gate Elementary
Spreckels Elementary Sunset View Elementary Tierrasanta Elementary
Toler Elementary Torrey Pines Elementary Valencia Park Elementary
Vista Grande Elementary Walker Elementary Washington Elementary
Webster Elementary Wegeforth Elementary Whitman Elementary
Zamorano Elementary