Linda Vista Elementary
Linda Vista Elementary
Marshall (Earl) Elementary
Mission San Jose Elementary
Mission San Jose High
Mission Valley Elementary
Niles Elementary
Noll (Conrad) Elementary
O. N. Hirsch Elementary
Oliveira Elementary
Olivos de Guadalupe
Origin L. Mowry Elementary
Parkmont Elementary
Patterson Elementary
Robertson (Gus C.) Junior High
Robertson High (Continuation)
Steven Millard Elementary
The Fremont Progressive Charter
Thornton Junior High
Timothy Rix Elementary
Tom Maloney Elementary
Vallejo Mill Elementary
Vista Alternative
Warm Springs Elementary
Warwick Elementary
Washington High
William Hopkins Junior High
Williamson High
Young Adult Program
Anthony W. Ochoa Middle
Argonaut Elementary
Baywood Elementary
Bidwell Elementary
Bowman Elementary
Brenkwitz Elementary
Brenkwitz High
Bret Harte Middle
Burbank Elementary
Cesar Chavez Middle
Chabot Children's Center
Cherryland Elementary
East Avenue Elementary
Eden Gardens Elementary
Eldridge Elementary
Eureka Elementary
Fairview Elementary
Faith Ringgold School of Arts and Science
Gansberger Elem.
Glassbrook Elementary
Golden Oak Montessori of Hayward