Clay Joint Elementary
Clovis Unified
Coalinga-Huron Unified
Fowler Unified
Fresno Unified
Kingsburg Elementary Charter
Kingsburg Joint Union High
Kings Canyon Joint Unified
Laton Joint Unified
Monroe Elementary
Orange Center
Pacific Union Elementary
Parlier Unified
Pine Ridge Elementary
Raisin City Elementary
Sanger Unified
Selma Unified
Washington Colony Elementary
West Park Elementary
Westside Elementary
Firebaugh-Las Deltas Unified
Central Unified
Kerman Unified
Valley ROP
Fresno ROP
Mendota Unified
Golden Plains Unified
Sierra Unified
Riverdale Joint Unified
Caruthers Unified
Washington Unified
Glenn County Office of Education
Capay Joint Union Elementary
Lake Elementary
Plaza Elementary
Princeton Joint Unified
Stony Creek Joint Unified
Willows Unified
Glenn County ROP
Orland Joint Unified
Hamilton Unified
Humboldt County Office of Education
Arcata Elementary
Northern Humboldt Union High
Big Lagoon Union Elementary
Blue Lake Union Elementary
Bridgeville Elementary
Cuddeback Union Elementary
Cutten Elementary
Fieldbrook Elementary