Fortuna Union High
Freshwater Elementary
Garfield Elementary
Green Point Elementary
Hydesville Elementary
Jacoby Creek Elementary
Klamath-Trinity Joint Unified
Kneeland Elementary
Loleta Union Elementary
Maple Creek Elementary
McKinleyville Union Elementary
Orick Elementary
Pacific Union Elementary
Peninsula Union
Rio Dell Elementary
Scotia Union Elementary
South Bay Union Elementary
Southern Humboldt Joint Unified
Trinidad Union Elementary
Humboldt County ROP
Ferndale Unified
Mattole Unified
Eureka City Schools
Fortuna Elementary
Imperial County Office of Education
Brawley Elementary
Brawley Union High
Calexico Unified
Calipatria Unified
Central Union High
El Centro Elementary
Heber Elementary
Holtville Unified
Imperial Unified
Magnolia Union Elementary
McCabe Union Elementary
Meadows Union Elementary
Mulberry Elementary
San Pasqual Valley Unified
Seeley Union Elementary
Westmorland Union Elementary
Imperial Valley ROP
Inyo County Office of Education
Big Pine Unified
Death Valley Unified
Lone Pine Unified
Owens Valley Unified
Round Valley Joint Elementary
Bishop Unified
Kern County Office of Education