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2015 Free Reduced Price Meals

Line number Academic year Countycode Districtcode Schoolcode County name District name School name District type School type Educational option type Nslp provision status Charter school Charter school number Charter funding type Irc Low grade High grade Enrollment k 12 Free meal count k 12 Percent eligible free k 12 Frpm count k 12 Percent eligible frpm k 12 Enrollment ages 5 17 Free meal count ages 5 17 Percent eligible free ages 5 17 Frpm count ages 5 17 Percent eligible frpm ages 5 17 Prev year cert status
9551 2014-2015 50 71043 0112292 Stanislaus Ceres Unified Aspire Summit Charter Academy Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional Y 0812 Directly funded Y K 5 404 172 43 231 57 400 171 43 229 57 Y Show
9552 2014-2015 50 71043 0123679 Stanislaus Ceres Unified Cesar Chavez Junior High Unified School District Junior High Schools (Public) Traditional Breakfast Provision 2 N N 7 8 592 361 61 438 74 592 361 61 438 74 Y Show
9553 2014-2015 50 71043 0127613 Stanislaus Ceres Unified Lucas Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional Breakfast Provision 2 N N K 6 287 154 54 200 70 287 154 54 200 70 Y Show
9554 2014-2015 50 71043 0129106 Stanislaus Ceres Unified Patricia Kay Beaver Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional Breakfast Provision 2 N N K 6 126 73 58 84 67 126 73 58 84 67 Y Show
9555 2014-2015 50 71043 5030168 Stanislaus Ceres Unified Endeavor Alternative Unified School District Alternative Schools of Choice Alternative School of Choice N N K 12 157 118 75 129 82 126 95 75 104 83 Y Show
9556 2014-2015 50 71043 5030200 Stanislaus Ceres Unified Argus High (Continuation) Unified School District Continuation High Schools Continuation School Breakfast Provision 2 N N 9 12 203 141 70 161 79 167 115 69 132 79 Y Show
9557 2014-2015 50 71043 5030879 Stanislaus Ceres Unified Ceres High Unified School District High Schools (Public) Traditional Breakfast Provision 2 N N 9 12 1 1 67 1 80 1 1 68 1 80 Y Show
9558 2014-2015 50 71043 6052427 Stanislaus Ceres Unified Carroll Fowler Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional Breakfast Provision 2 N N K 6 665 491 74 548 82 648 479 74 536 83 Y Show
9559 2014-2015 50 71043 6052435 Stanislaus Ceres Unified Caswell Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional Breakfast Provision 2 N N K 6 529 444 84 479 91 516 438 85 473 92 Y Show
9560 2014-2015 50 71043 6052443 Stanislaus Ceres Unified Don Pedro Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional Breakfast Provision 2 N N K 6 561 483 86 514 92 545 472 87 502 92 Y Show
9561 2014-2015 50 71043 6052450 Stanislaus Ceres Unified Walter White Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional Breakfast Provision 2 N N K 6 674 558 83 597 89 645 536 83 574 89 Y Show
9562 2014-2015 50 71043 6052468 Stanislaus Ceres Unified Westport Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional Breakfast Provision 2 N N K 6 432 370 86 397 92 432 370 86 397 92 Y Show
9563 2014-2015 50 71043 6085013 Stanislaus Ceres Unified Mae Hensley Junior High Unified School District Intermediate/Middle Schools (Public) Traditional Breakfast Provision 2 N N 7 8 661 492 74 561 85 661 492 74 561 85 Y Show
9564 2014-2015 50 71043 6108435 Stanislaus Ceres Unified Virginia Parks Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional Breakfast Provision 2 N N K 6 695 439 63 520 75 681 434 64 513 75 Y Show
9565 2014-2015 50 71043 6112338 Stanislaus Ceres Unified Samuel Vaughn Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional Breakfast Provision 2 N N K 6 604 354 59 454 75 604 354 59 454 75 Y Show
9566 2014-2015 50 71043 6112346 Stanislaus Ceres Unified Blaker-Kinser Junior High Unified School District Intermediate/Middle Schools (Public) Traditional Breakfast Provision 2 N N 7 8 668 492 74 570 85 668 492 74 570 85 Y Show
9567 2014-2015 50 71043 6120828 Stanislaus Ceres Unified Whitmore Charter School of Personalized Learning Unified School District K-12 Schools (Public) Traditional Y 0504 Locally funded N K 12 11 5 46 5 46 11 5 46 5 46 Y Show
9568 2014-2015 50 71050 6052484 Stanislaus Chatom Union Chatom Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 5 400 304 76 326 82 394 299 76 321 82 Y Show
9569 2014-2015 50 71050 6052492 Stanislaus Chatom Union Mountain View Middle Elementary School District Intermediate/Middle Schools (Public) Traditional N N 6 8 197 139 71 155 79 197 139 71 155 79 Y Show
9570 2014-2015 50 71068 0000001 Stanislaus Denair Unified Nonpublic, Nonsectarian Schools Unified School District N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 Y Show
9571 2014-2015 50 71068 0121574 Stanislaus Denair Unified Denair Academic Avenues Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional Y 1174 Locally funded N K 5 199 59 30 79 40 199 59 30 79 40 Y Show
9572 2014-2015 50 71068 5030267 Stanislaus Denair Unified Denair Charter Academy Unified School District K-12 Schools (Public) Traditional Y 0357 Locally funded N K 12 262 127 49 144 55 225 110 49 125 56 Y Show
9573 2014-2015 50 71068 5031521 Stanislaus Denair Unified Denair High Unified School District High Schools (Public) Traditional N N 9 12 312 122 39 155 50 293 110 38 142 49 Y Show
9574 2014-2015 50 71068 6052500 Stanislaus Denair Unified Denair Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 5 274 167 61 201 73 262 163 62 196 75 Y Show
9575 2014-2015 50 71068 6071575 Stanislaus Denair Unified Denair Middle Unified School District Intermediate/Middle Schools (Public) Traditional N N 6 8 243 99 41 131 54 243 99 41 131 54 Y Show
9576 2014-2015 50 71076 0000001 Stanislaus Empire Union Elementary Nonpublic, Nonsectarian Schools Elementary School District N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 11 6 55 6 55 11 6 55 6 55 Y Show
9577 2014-2015 50 71076 0101493 Stanislaus Empire Union Elementary Norman N. Glick Middle Elementary School District Intermediate/Middle Schools (Public) Traditional N N 7 8 584 399 68 471 81 584 399 68 471 81 Y Show
9578 2014-2015 50 71076 6052518 Stanislaus Empire Union Elementary Empire Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional Provision 2 N N K 6 389 330 85 364 94 389 330 85 364 94 Y Show
9579 2014-2015 50 71076 6093504 Stanislaus Empire Union Elementary Capistrano Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional Provision 2 N N K 6 535 429 80 488 91 521 417 80 474 91 Y Show
9580 2014-2015 50 71076 6098180 Stanislaus Empire Union Elementary Christine Sipherd Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional Breakfast Provision 2 N N K 6 542 324 60 394 73 542 324 60 394 73 Y Show
9581 2014-2015 50 71076 6107932 Stanislaus Empire Union Elementary Bernard L. Hughes Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 6 509 308 61 413 81 496 301 61 404 82 Y Show
9582 2014-2015 50 71076 6111892 Stanislaus Empire Union Elementary Alice N. Stroud Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional Breakfast Provision 2 N N K 6 464 294 63 359 77 451 286 63 349 77 Y Show
9583 2014-2015 50 71084 0120089 Stanislaus Gratton Elementary Gratton Charter Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional Y 1099 Locally funded N K 8 110 9 8 9 8 109 9 8 9 8 Y Show
9584 2014-2015 50 71084 6052534 Stanislaus Gratton Elementary Gratton Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 8 27 5 19 5 19 27 5 19 5 19 Y Show
9585 2014-2015 50 71092 6052542 Stanislaus Hart-Ransom Union Elementary Hart-Ransom Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 8 809 348 43 457 57 795 347 44 453 57 Y Show
9586 2014-2015 50 71092 6112965 Stanislaus Hart-Ransom Union Elementary Hart-Ransom Academic Charter Elementary School District K-12 Schools (Public) Traditional Y 0080 Locally funded Y K 12 300 71 24 127 42 296 71 24 126 43 Y Show
9587 2014-2015 50 71100 6052559 Stanislaus Hickman Community Charter Hickman Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional Y 00D4 Locally funded N K 5 305 84 28 130 43 305 84 28 130 43 Y Show
9588 2014-2015 50 71100 6112627 Stanislaus Hickman Community Charter Hickman Charter Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional Y 00D4 Locally funded N K 8 602 56 9 132 22 602 56 9 132 22 Y Show
9589 2014-2015 50 71100 6116388 Stanislaus Hickman Community Charter Hickman Middle Elementary School District Intermediate/Middle Schools (Public) Traditional Y 00D4 Locally funded N 6 8 197 60 31 78 40 197 60 31 78 40 Y Show
9590 2014-2015 50 71134 6052591 Stanislaus Keyes Union Keyes Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional Provision 2 N N K 5 514 387 75 471 92 501 376 75 460 92 Y Show
9591 2014-2015 50 71134 6113286 Stanislaus Keyes Union Keyes to Learning Charter Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional Y 0085 Locally funded Y K 12 348 42 12 68 20 342 42 12 68 20 Y Show
9592 2014-2015 50 71134 6119002 Stanislaus Keyes Union Barbara Spratling Middle Elementary School District Intermediate/Middle Schools (Public) Traditional Provision 2 N N 6 8 223 168 75 203 91 223 168 75 203 91 Y Show
9593 2014-2015 50 71142 6052609 Stanislaus Knights Ferry Elementary Knights Ferry Elementary Elementary School District Elemen Schools In 1 School Dist. (Public) Traditional N N K 8 84 23 27 30 36 83 23 28 30 36 Y Show
9594 2014-2015 50 71167 0000001 Stanislaus Modesto City Elementary Nonpublic, Nonsectarian Schools Elementary School District N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 25 9 36 9 36 25 9 36 9 36 Y Show
9595 2014-2015 50 71167 6052625 Stanislaus Modesto City Elementary Elihu Beard Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 6 353 237 67 268 76 352 236 67 267 76 Y Show
9596 2014-2015 50 71167 6052633 Stanislaus Modesto City Elementary Bret Harte Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 6 947 889 94 924 98 947 889 94 924 98 Y Show
9597 2014-2015 50 71167 6052641 Stanislaus Modesto City Elementary Burbank Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 6 758 689 91 727 96 731 664 91 702 96 Y Show
9598 2014-2015 50 71167 6052658 Stanislaus Modesto City Elementary El Vista Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 6 356 309 87 334 94 356 309 87 334 94 Y Show
9599 2014-2015 50 71167 6052666 Stanislaus Modesto City Elementary Enslen Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 6 366 156 43 178 49 366 156 43 178 49 Y Show
9600 2014-2015 50 71167 6052674 Stanislaus Modesto City Elementary Catherine Everett Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 6 338 256 76 276 82 338 256 76 276 82 Y Show