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2015 Free Reduced Price Meals

Line number Academic year Countycode Districtcode Schoolcode County name District name School name District type School type Educational option type Nslp provision status Charter school Charter school number Charter funding type Irc Low grade High grade Enrollment k 12 Free meal count k 12 Percent eligible free k 12 Frpm count k 12 Percent eligible frpm k 12 Enrollment ages 5 17 Free meal count ages 5 17 Percent eligible free ages 5 17 Frpm count ages 5 17 Percent eligible frpm ages 5 17 Prev year cert status
9401 2014-2015 49 70854 6051957 Sonoma Petaluma City Elementary McDowell Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 6 249 210 84 241 97 249 210 84 241 97 Y Show
9402 2014-2015 49 70854 6051965 Sonoma Petaluma City Elementary McKinley Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 6 262 167 64 202 77 233 152 65 183 79 Y Show
9403 2014-2015 49 70854 6051973 Sonoma Petaluma City Elementary McNear Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 6 398 67 17 87 22 398 67 17 87 22 Y Show
9404 2014-2015 49 70854 6051981 Sonoma Petaluma City Elementary Penngrove Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional Y 1512 Locally funded N K 6 388 56 14 91 24 388 56 14 91 24 Y Show
9405 2014-2015 49 70854 6051999 Sonoma Petaluma City Elementary Valley Vista Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 6 345 119 35 147 43 345 119 35 147 43 Y Show
9406 2014-2015 49 70854 6119036 Sonoma Petaluma City Elementary Live Oak Charter Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional Y 0382 Directly funded Y K 8 284 37 13 59 21 278 36 13 58 21 Y Show
9407 2014-2015 49 70862 0000001 Sonoma Petaluma Joint Union High Nonpublic, Nonsectarian Schools High School District N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 29 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 Y Show
9408 2014-2015 49 70862 0128157 Sonoma Petaluma Joint Union High Gateway to College Academy High School District High Schools (Public) Traditional Y 1541 Locally funded N 9 12 71 14 20 19 27 26 5 19 7 27 Y Show
9409 2014-2015 49 70862 4930012 Sonoma Petaluma Joint Union High Casa Grande High High School District High Schools (Public) Traditional N N 9 12 1 412 24 582 34 1 400 24 568 34 Y Show
9410 2014-2015 49 70862 4930103 Sonoma Petaluma Joint Union High Carpe Diem High (Continuation) High School District Continuation High Schools Continuation School N N 9 12 22 10 46 15 68 20 9 45 14 70 Y Show
9411 2014-2015 49 70862 4930111 Sonoma Petaluma Joint Union High Sonoma Mountain High (Continuation) High School District Continuation High Schools Continuation School N N 9 12 23 8 35 13 57 23 8 35 13 57 Y Show
9412 2014-2015 49 70862 4930236 Sonoma Petaluma Joint Union High Valley Oaks High (Alternative) High School District Alternative Schools of Choice Alternative School of Choice N N 7 12 65 15 23 30 46 64 15 23 30 47 Y Show
9413 2014-2015 49 70862 4935151 Sonoma Petaluma Joint Union High Petaluma High High School District High Schools (Public) Traditional N N 9 12 1 269 20 334 25 1 261 20 324 25 Y Show
9414 2014-2015 49 70862 4935862 Sonoma Petaluma Joint Union High San Antonio High (Continuation) High School District Continuation High Schools Continuation School N N 9 12 75 38 51 50 67 62 31 50 42 68 Y Show
9415 2014-2015 49 70862 6051932 Sonoma Petaluma Joint Union High Mary Collins Charter School at Cherry Valley High School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional Y 0480 Directly funded N K 8 431 41 10 57 13 431 41 10 57 13 Y Show
9416 2014-2015 49 70862 6060230 Sonoma Petaluma Joint Union High Petaluma Junior High High School District Intermediate/Middle Schools (Public) Traditional N N 7 8 698 147 21 200 29 698 147 21 200 29 Y Show
9417 2014-2015 49 70862 6062137 Sonoma Petaluma Joint Union High Kenilworth Junior High High School District Intermediate/Middle Schools (Public) Traditional N N 7 8 896 300 34 436 49 896 300 34 436 49 Y Show
9418 2014-2015 49 70862 6117337 Sonoma Petaluma Joint Union High Crossroads High School District District Community Day Schools Community Day School N N 7 9 18 13 72 16 89 18 13 72 16 89 Y Show
9419 2014-2015 49 70870 0101253 Sonoma Piner-Olivet Union Elementary Jack London Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 6 336 79 24 100 30 336 79 24 100 30 Y Show
9420 2014-2015 49 70870 0106344 Sonoma Piner-Olivet Union Elementary Northwest Prep Charter Elementary School District High Schools (Public) Traditional Y 0526 Directly funded N 7 12 89 41 46 49 55 86 38 44 46 54 Y Show
9421 2014-2015 49 70870 6066344 Sonoma Piner-Olivet Union Elementary Olivet Elementary Charter Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional Y 1440 Directly funded N K 6 332 138 42 165 50 309 132 43 158 51 Y Show
9422 2014-2015 49 70870 6109144 Sonoma Piner-Olivet Union Elementary Morrice Schaefer Charter Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional Y 1439 Directly funded N K 6 444 181 41 214 48 444 181 41 214 48 Y Show
9423 2014-2015 49 70870 6113492 Sonoma Piner-Olivet Union Elementary Piner-Olivet Charter Elementary School District Intermediate/Middle Schools (Public) Traditional Y 0098 Directly funded N 6 8 218 50 23 66 30 218 50 23 66 30 Y Show
9424 2014-2015 49 70888 6052013 Sonoma Kashia Elementary Kashia Elementary Elementary School District Elemen Schools In 1 School Dist. (Public) Traditional N N K 8 16 13 81 16 100 13 10 77 13 100 Y Show
9425 2014-2015 49 70896 0000001 Sonoma Rincon Valley Union Elementary Nonpublic, Nonsectarian Schools Elementary School District N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 6 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 Y Show
9426 2014-2015 49 70896 0102525 Sonoma Rincon Valley Union Elementary Rincon Valley Charter Elementary School District Intermediate/Middle Schools (Public) Traditional Y 0525 Locally funded N K 8 306 74 24 95 31 305 74 24 95 31 Y Show
9427 2014-2015 49 70896 0120980 Sonoma Rincon Valley Union Elementary Redwood Consortium for Student Services Elementary School District Special Education Schools (Public) District Special Education Consortia School N N P 6 119 55 46 62 52 119 55 46 62 52 Y Show
9428 2014-2015 49 70896 6052021 Sonoma Rincon Valley Union Elementary Madrone Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 6 418 151 36 185 44 393 147 37 181 46 Y Show
9429 2014-2015 49 70896 6052039 Sonoma Rincon Valley Union Elementary Spring Creek Matanzas Charter Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional Y 1105 Locally funded N K 6 599 203 34 260 43 585 198 34 252 43 Y Show
9430 2014-2015 49 70896 6052047 Sonoma Rincon Valley Union Elementary Whited Elementary Charter Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional Y 1259 Locally funded N K 6 450 164 36 207 46 450 164 36 207 46 Y Show
9431 2014-2015 49 70896 6052054 Sonoma Rincon Valley Union Elementary Sequoia Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 6 445 50 11 58 13 445 50 11 58 13 Y Show
9432 2014-2015 49 70896 6052070 Sonoma Rincon Valley Union Elementary Village Elementary Charter Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional Y 1257 Locally funded N K 6 428 171 40 214 50 428 171 40 214 50 Y Show
9433 2014-2015 49 70896 6085229 Sonoma Rincon Valley Union Elementary Binkley Elementary Charter Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional Y 1258 Locally funded N K 6 420 160 38 211 50 407 155 38 204 50 Y Show
9434 2014-2015 49 70896 6117907 Sonoma Rincon Valley Union Elementary Austin Creek Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 6 441 20 5 26 6 441 20 5 26 6 Y Show
9435 2014-2015 49 70904 0000001 Sonoma Roseland Nonpublic, Nonsectarian Schools Elementary School District N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3 3 100 3 100 3 3 100 3 100 Y Show
9436 2014-2015 49 70904 0101923 Sonoma Roseland Roseland Charter Elementary School District K-12 Schools (Public) Traditional Y 0558 Directly funded N K 12 1 857 75 1 89 1 850 75 999 89 Y Show
9437 2014-2015 49 70904 0125336 Sonoma Roseland Roseland Creek Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 6 405 299 74 345 85 391 292 75 334 85 Y Show
9438 2014-2015 49 70904 6052088 Sonoma Roseland Roseland Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 6 679 562 83 619 91 659 544 83 599 91 Y Show
9439 2014-2015 49 70904 6052096 Sonoma Roseland Sheppard Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 6 531 427 80 489 92 526 423 80 484 92 Y Show
9440 2014-2015 49 70912 0113530 Sonoma Santa Rosa Elementary Santa Rosa Charter School for the Arts Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional Y 0845 Locally funded N K 8 362 85 24 115 32 362 85 24 115 32 Y Show
9441 2014-2015 49 70912 0125831 Sonoma Santa Rosa Elementary Santa Rosa French-American Charter (SRFACS) Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional Y 1397 Locally funded N K 8 417 51 12 85 20 403 50 12 84 21 Y Show
9442 2014-2015 49 70912 0128074 Sonoma Santa Rosa Elementary Cesar Chavez Language Academy Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional Y 1523 Locally funded N K 8 108 45 42 61 57 93 41 44 55 59 Y Show
9443 2014-2015 49 70912 6052104 Sonoma Santa Rosa Elementary Brook Hill Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 6 525 438 83 479 91 512 429 84 469 92 Y Show
9444 2014-2015 49 70912 6052112 Sonoma Santa Rosa Elementary Luther Burbank Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 6 425 365 86 405 95 417 360 86 399 96 Y Show
9445 2014-2015 49 70912 6052153 Sonoma Santa Rosa Elementary Abraham Lincoln Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 6 346 281 81 328 95 342 277 81 324 95 Y Show
9446 2014-2015 49 70912 6052161 Sonoma Santa Rosa Elementary James Monroe Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 6 457 379 83 434 95 453 376 83 431 95 Y Show
9447 2014-2015 49 70912 6052179 Sonoma Santa Rosa Elementary Proctor Terrace Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 6 468 132 28 165 35 457 131 29 164 36 Y Show
9448 2014-2015 49 70912 6052195 Sonoma Santa Rosa Elementary Steele Lane Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 6 456 344 75 427 94 447 339 76 420 94 Y Show
9449 2014-2015 49 70912 6066385 Sonoma Santa Rosa Elementary Helen M. Lehman Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 6 520 355 68 455 88 510 347 68 446 88 Y Show
9450 2014-2015 49 70912 6095459 Sonoma Santa Rosa Elementary Hidden Valley Elementary Elementary School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 6 672 125 19 156 23 656 119 18 150 23 Y Show