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2015 Free Reduced Price Meals

Line number Academic year Countycode Districtcode Schoolcode County name District name School name District type School type Educational option type Nslp provision status Charter school Charter school number Charter funding type Irc Low grade High grade Enrollment k 12 Free meal count k 12 Percent eligible free k 12 Frpm count k 12 Percent eligible frpm k 12 Enrollment ages 5 17 Free meal count ages 5 17 Percent eligible free ages 5 17 Frpm count ages 5 17 Percent eligible frpm ages 5 17 Prev year cert status
10201 2014-2015 56 72611 6055834 Ventura Somis Union Somis Elementary Elementary School District Elemen Schools In 1 School Dist. (Public) Traditional N N K 8 237 135 57 160 68 225 131 58 156 69 Y Show
10202 2014-2015 56 72652 0000001 Ventura Ventura Unified Nonpublic, Nonsectarian Schools Unified School District N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 12 5 42 5 42 12 5 42 5 42 Y Show
10203 2014-2015 56 72652 5630272 Ventura Ventura Unified Pacific High Unified School District Continuation High Schools Continuation School CEP N N 9 12 126 89 71 97 77 100 71 71 79 79 Y Show
10204 2014-2015 56 72652 5630298 Ventura Ventura Unified El Camino High Unified School District Alternative Schools of Choice Alternative School of Choice N N 9 12 271 29 11 51 19 258 28 11 49 19 Y Show
10205 2014-2015 56 72652 5630348 Ventura Ventura Unified Foothill Technology High Unified School District High Schools (Public) Traditional N N 9 12 1 203 20 292 28 1 200 20 289 28 Y Show
10206 2014-2015 56 72652 5630793 Ventura Ventura Unified Buena High Unified School District High Schools (Public) Traditional N N 9 12 1 679 34 921 47 1 662 35 892 47 Y Show
10207 2014-2015 56 72652 5637822 Ventura Ventura Unified Ventura High Unified School District High Schools (Public) Traditional N N 9 12 2 884 40 1 51 2 866 40 1 51 Y Show
10208 2014-2015 56 72652 6056030 Ventura Ventura Unified Sunset Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 8 339 142 42 201 59 338 142 42 201 60 Y Show
10209 2014-2015 56 72652 6056055 Ventura Ventura Unified Blanche Reynolds Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 8 445 204 46 256 58 444 203 46 255 57 Y Show
10210 2014-2015 56 72652 6056063 Ventura Ventura Unified E. P. Foster Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional CEP N N K 5 443 258 58 286 65 443 258 58 286 65 Y Show
10211 2014-2015 56 72652 6056089 Ventura Ventura Unified Elmhurst Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 5 557 249 45 318 57 537 248 46 313 58 Y Show
10212 2014-2015 56 72652 6056097 Ventura Ventura Unified Juanamaria Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 5 459 146 32 201 44 459 146 32 201 44 Y Show
10213 2014-2015 56 72652 6056105 Ventura Ventura Unified Junipero Serra Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 5 623 187 30 250 40 600 180 30 243 41 Y Show
10214 2014-2015 56 72652 6056113 Ventura Ventura Unified Lincoln Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 5 284 136 48 177 62 280 133 48 174 62 Y Show
10215 2014-2015 56 72652 6056121 Ventura Ventura Unified Loma Vista Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 5 386 79 21 103 27 369 77 21 100 27 Y Show
10216 2014-2015 56 72652 6056147 Ventura Ventura Unified Montalvo Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional Provision 2 N N K 5 432 178 41 217 50 432 178 41 217 50 Y Show
10217 2014-2015 56 72652 6056154 Ventura Ventura Unified Mound Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 5 576 34 6 52 9 576 34 6 52 9 Y Show
10218 2014-2015 56 72652 6056170 Ventura Ventura Unified Pierpont Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 5 268 44 16 55 21 268 44 16 55 21 Y Show
10219 2014-2015 56 72652 6056188 Ventura Ventura Unified Poinsettia Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 5 490 109 22 150 31 475 105 22 144 30 Y Show
10220 2014-2015 56 72652 6056204 Ventura Ventura Unified Academy of Technology & Leadership at Saticoy Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 5 337 170 50 218 65 337 170 50 218 65 Y Show
10221 2014-2015 56 72652 6056212 Ventura Ventura Unified Sheridan Way Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional CEP N N K 5 519 349 67 375 72 502 336 67 361 72 Y Show
10222 2014-2015 56 72652 6056238 Ventura Ventura Unified Will Rogers Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional Provision 2 N N K 5 503 219 44 245 49 503 219 44 245 49 Y Show
10223 2014-2015 56 72652 6060370 Ventura Ventura Unified Balboa Middle Unified School District Intermediate/Middle Schools (Public) Traditional N N 6 8 1 380 31 533 44 1 380 31 533 44 Y Show
10224 2014-2015 56 72652 6060388 Ventura Ventura Unified Cabrillo Middle Unified School District Intermediate/Middle Schools (Public) Traditional N N 6 8 930 277 30 370 40 930 277 30 370 40 Y Show
10225 2014-2015 56 72652 6062145 Ventura Ventura Unified Anacapa Middle Unified School District Intermediate/Middle Schools (Public) Traditional N N 6 8 823 362 44 493 60 823 362 44 493 60 Y Show
10226 2014-2015 56 72652 6062152 Ventura Ventura Unified De Anza Academy of Technology and the Arts Unified School District Intermediate/Middle Schools (Public) Traditional CEP N N 6 8 885 430 49 492 56 885 430 49 492 56 Y Show
10227 2014-2015 56 72652 6097034 Ventura Ventura Unified Portola Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 5 619 293 47 403 65 618 293 47 403 65 Y Show
10228 2014-2015 56 72652 6115687 Ventura Ventura Unified Homestead (Alternative) Unified School District Alternative Schools of Choice Alternative School of Choice N N K 8 40 6 15 6 15 40 6 15 6 15 Y Show
10229 2014-2015 56 72652 6116040 Ventura Ventura Unified Citrus Glen Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 5 575 225 39 276 48 553 216 39 266 48 Y Show
10230 2014-2015 56 73759 0000000 Ventura Conejo Valley Unified District Office Unified School District N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A P 12 3 1 33 1 33 3 1 33 1 33 Y Show
10231 2014-2015 56 73759 0000001 Ventura Conejo Valley Unified Nonpublic, Nonsectarian Schools Unified School District N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 12 1 8 1 8 9 1 11 1 11 Y Show
10232 2014-2015 56 73759 0119396 Ventura Conejo Valley Unified Environmental Academy of Research Technology and Earth Sciences Unified School District Alternative Schools of Choice Alternative School of Choice N N K 5 536 68 13 81 15 536 68 13 81 15 Y Show
10233 2014-2015 56 73759 0123349 Ventura Conejo Valley Unified Century Academy Unified School District Alternative Schools of Choice Alternative School of Choice N N 6 12 63 4 6 4 6 55 4 7 4 7 Y Show
10234 2014-2015 56 73759 5630108 Ventura Conejo Valley Unified Conejo Valley High (Continuation) Unified School District Continuation High Schools Continuation School N N 9 12 126 54 43 65 52 120 52 43 63 53 Y Show
10235 2014-2015 56 73759 5630116 Ventura Conejo Valley Unified Westlake High Unified School District High Schools (Public) Traditional N N 9 12 2 247 10 295 12 2 243 10 287 12 Y Show
10236 2014-2015 56 73759 5633748 Ventura Conejo Valley Unified Newbury Park High Unified School District High Schools (Public) Traditional N N 9 12 2 282 11 355 14 2 274 11 345 14 Y Show
10237 2014-2015 56 73759 5637004 Ventura Conejo Valley Unified Thousand Oaks High Unified School District High Schools (Public) Traditional N N 9 12 2 341 15 443 19 2 329 14 430 19 Y Show
10238 2014-2015 56 73759 6055842 Ventura Conejo Valley Unified Acacia Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 5 367 152 41 184 50 356 146 41 178 50 Y Show
10239 2014-2015 56 73759 6055859 Ventura Conejo Valley Unified Aspen Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 5 409 48 12 59 14 383 46 12 57 15 Y Show
10240 2014-2015 56 73759 6055867 Ventura Conejo Valley Unified Banyan Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 5 471 119 25 130 28 471 119 25 130 28 Y Show
10241 2014-2015 56 73759 6055875 Ventura Conejo Valley Unified Madrona Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 5 488 112 23 120 25 470 111 24 119 25 Y Show
10242 2014-2015 56 73759 6055891 Ventura Conejo Valley Unified Redwood Middle Unified School District Intermediate/Middle Schools (Public) Traditional N N 6 8 898 152 17 204 23 898 152 17 204 23 Y Show
10243 2014-2015 56 73759 6055909 Ventura Conejo Valley Unified Maple Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 5 318 101 32 117 37 318 101 32 117 37 Y Show
10244 2014-2015 56 73759 6055917 Ventura Conejo Valley Unified Walnut Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 5 362 121 33 148 41 338 118 35 144 43 Y Show
10245 2014-2015 56 73759 6055925 Ventura Conejo Valley Unified Colina Middle Unified School District Intermediate/Middle Schools (Public) Traditional N N 6 8 1 221 22 280 27 1 221 22 280 27 Y Show
10246 2014-2015 56 73759 6055933 Ventura Conejo Valley Unified Conejo Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 5 408 286 70 312 77 408 286 70 312 77 Y Show
10247 2014-2015 56 73759 6055941 Ventura Conejo Valley Unified Glenwood Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 5 381 280 74 319 84 365 268 73 307 84 Y Show
10248 2014-2015 56 73759 6055966 Ventura Conejo Valley Unified Ladera Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 5 339 98 29 113 33 339 98 29 113 33 Y Show
10249 2014-2015 56 73759 6056022 Ventura Conejo Valley Unified Weathersfield Elementary Unified School District Elementary Schools (Public) Traditional N N K 5 380 87 23 106 28 380 87 23 106 28 Y Show
10250 2014-2015 56 73759 6067300 Ventura Conejo Valley Unified Sequoia Middle Unified School District Intermediate/Middle Schools (Public) Traditional N N 6 8 1 259 24 315 29 1 259 24 315 29 Y Show