Academic year: 2017-2018
Countycode: 05
Districtcode: 10058
Schoolcode: 0530154
County name: Calaveras
District name: Calaveras County Office of Education
School name: Mountain Oaks
District type: County Office of Education (COE)
School type: K-12 Schools (Public)
Educational option type: Traditional
Nslp provision status: N/A
Charter school: Yes
Charter school number: 527
Charter funding type: Locally funded
Irc: Y
Low grade: K
High grade: 12
Enrollment k 12: 458
Free meal count k 12: 191
Percent eligible free k 12: 42
Frpm count k 12: 243
Percent eligible frpm k 12: 53
Enrollment ages 5 17: 449
Free meal count ages 5 17: 188
Percent eligible free ages 5 17: 42
Frpm count ages 5 17: 239
Percent eligible frpm ages 5 17: 53
Prev year cert status: Y
Line number: 31838
Cdscode: 05100580530154
Districts school: 1023
Year: 2018
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